Monday, August 26, 2013

Google Glass Has The Fashion Bug

We all know that Cup is kind of a big cope for Google right now. Or whatever. The #IfIHadGlass visitor program is going highly efficient, and the item is trying to validate its efficiency in a lot of different market segments. Actually it may be feeling overblown and even boring. But if Google is going to standard bank on this item in techniques that we can think about (targeted advertising) and techniques that we can't (Skynet?) they're probably not going to let up until Cup is everywhere. Even designer.

A 12-page spread in Vogue's September issue is just one of the techniques to know that Cup has come for designer. As the NYTimes opinions, the top stages of the Cup team are composed mostly of women, and cause professional designer Isabelle Olsson is one employee trying to make Cup a must-have devices. She advised the Times:
Most of the individuals who stop me on the street are women. Women have a different reaction than when they see some guy wearing it. It is essential seeing it on me.
Olsson has performed to have Cup revealed at Design Several weeks efforts and has performed with with designers like From von Furstenberg to see Cup strutted down style fashion runways. Von Furstenberg advised the Periods, "I think to put on Cup is to demonstrate that you are engaged, you are existing, you are begin to new factors." Can Cup go from the style stage to the national consciousness? And will it be regarded as a high-class item or a efficient investment? It's unclear how much Cup will price when it is released to the team, but designers and tourists were asked for to pay $1,500.
Whether or not style is Glass's most highly efficient place, it is clearly a issue for Google, and Olsson advised the Periods that features like prolonged programs and recommended connections will make the item attract a wider audiences. But essential document and publication material consist of essential availability, and given that Google has properly handled every factor of Glass's release, it can't be a opportunity that the press is getting availability details about Cup as it affiliates particularly to develop. Google wants us all parading our factors in Cup.


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